Stoner Dating Reddit

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  • It's actually one of the few dating apps that doesn't get completely roasted on Reddit, with promising success stories popping up in multiple threads. Best 420-friendly dating sites for pot.
  • Reddit users love POF's pond of singles who actually reply, but the design needs a total overhaul. Best 420-friendly dating sites for pot lovers and cannabis enthusiasts.

Being a stoner and dating bucky barnes would include. Pairing: bucky barnes x stoner!male!reader warnings: language, mentions of sex but nothing including the act, drugs of course. Stoner dating idea. Posted by 1 day ago. Stoner dating idea. Men and woman show up for speed dating. The waiting room is hotboxed. At the appointed time instead of name tags you all right down how high you from 1/10 and stick it on your chest. Everybody hangs out with same number all night. Stoners are quite eclectic, but they love to talk about music. And you can almost bet that every stoner has a vendetta against pop music. If the answer is Miley Cirus or Bruno Mars, you probably aren't talking to a pot head. So run – run as fast as you can. On the other hand, stoners love bands like Tool and Audioslave. Of course, they love.

The illustrious stoner boy: a breed that must have been created by the Gods of sex and cannabis.

Think about it: Guys are great, weed is phenomenal and when you combine the two, you get a better combination than Nutella and a spoon. Add sex into the equation and you have hit the trifecta of bliss.

There is a big difference between a guy who occasionally smokes a bowl before watching 'Game of Thrones' and a true pothead. A pothead takes weed to the 420th level.

His room resembles a smoke shop, and you can spot a bong faster than a book in there. Whether they deal it or they are simply marijuana enthusiasts, these guys can be some of the most interesting people you will ever encounter.

They also will be the best hookup you ever have, and this is not just an assumption. You know how four out of five dentists recommend Trident? Well I would say four out of five times you hook up with a stoner, you will be as content as wannabe-hippies on April 20.

That being said, I am a big advocate for hooking up with a stoner for multiple reasons:

They Are So Damn Cute

Like any group of people, stoners come in all shapes and sizes. You can have the boy next door who lights up, the Calvin Klein model who keeps a joint in his briefs, or the archetypal long-haired, tie-dye clad smoker.

However, there is something about stoners that makes them extremely attractive. My theory is that their charm comes from the classic stoner facial expression: squinty eyes and an enormous smile that is impossible to resist. Be still, my heart.

They Have Stellar Personalities

These smokin' hot blazers are outgoing, laidback, creative and open-minded. They don't mind being silly and they definitely don't give a sh*t about what other people think about them. Letting good vibes and good times serve as their personal motto, stoner boys just wanna have fun. This is where you enter the picture.

Stoners are friendly and approachable people, and they even provide you with an easy conversation starter: asking for a lighter. This is your hook, or the first part of a three-step plan to land a stoner in the sack.

If you don't smoke, you can still ask for a light. Just say, 'It's for my friend,' and then suddenly realize your 'friend' must have walked away and introduce yourself.

After conversing for a while, casually throw the word 'tapestry' into the conversation. This is step two, also known as your hook line. When he mentions he has a tapestry in his bedroom (which he definitely will), ask if you can see it. That's your final step, also known as your sinker. Now you won't be seen until the next afternoon.

The Life-Changing Hookup

This will be a historic moment in your life. It'll be one for the books, and you will leave only wanting more. This feeling of absolute delight will come over you largely because stoners are giving individuals. If he smokes you out, you can guarantee the same generosity will be demonstrated in bed.

You know how stoners can do impressive things, like make smoke rings when they exhale? Yeah, imagine what else they can do with their mouths. Once the mind-blowing sex is over, the two of you will be on the verge of passing out, but you'll be awake enough for a quick, pre-sleep smoke session that results in a blissful night of sleep.

You'll wake up feeling groggy, yet satisfied. The often dreaded pillow talk can actually be enjoyable if you and Cheech indulge in a wake and bake session. If you've smoked before, you know how easy it is to bond over anything when high: food, Animal Planet, shapes... You name it and you can have a 20-minute conversation about it.

If you need something to talk about, I suggest having an in-depth discussion about how cool the ocean is. But seriously, if you think about it, 95 percent of the ocean is undiscovered. That is an unreal thought sober, let alone while high.

The Catch...

It all sounds too good to be true, and like most things in this world, it is. He may be exhaling a smoke signal that reads: not relationship ready. Bob Marley once posed the question, 'Could you be loved?' I will elaborate and ask, could you be loved by your dashiki-clad hook-up buddy? It's very possible!


Here are some issues that you may want to consider before getting serious with your stoner:

He Lives In His Own Little World

The truth of the matter is that potheads constantly escape to a different world. It's a damn cool place to visit, but it strays from reality.

Stoner Dating Reddit

I'm not saying I love real life all the time. I wish I lived in a Wes Anderson movie, but you can't permanently reside in your own wonderland. So during the times when you need your guy to be physically, as well as mentally present, it can be an issue.

He Can Be A Liability

We all do things that aren't necessarily legal. I pee in public all the time, and just as I run the risk of being caught squatting with my pants down behind a Taco Bell, he will run the risk of getting in trouble with the fuzz.

If you guys are just hooking up, then you definitely won't have to bail him out, but when it's your boyfriend, you're more inclined to help if he runs into trouble with the law.


Easy solution to this issue: legalize marijuana. Come on, American government, can't you see that making pot illegal is a roadblock for a girl who is trying to get into a serious relationship with a stoner? Help a sister out!

Sobriety Is Not A Bad Thing

Granted, this is coming from a girl who partakes in Mike's Hard Mondays, but it is true that you don't want to constantly be under any influence when in a relationship.

If you love weed as much or even more than your guy does, then you may want to reevaluate if you should be in a relationship together. A stoned movie and Chinese food night sounds like a fabulous ritual to do alone, and it's even better if you have someone special to share it with.

Just be cautious that you don't constantly enable each other. Sobriety is important in relationships because it allows you to display your most authentic self.

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You'll Find Yourself In Second Place

I like to think of myself as a modern-day woman, so if I ever did go on dates, I would offer to pay for myself… every once in a while. Sure, you'll probably save money on your own personal stash of pot if you date a stoner, but it's really not about money. This is more about the principle of the situation.

Material things do not make a relationship successful. Yes, they are nice, but without sentiment, they are just objects. I was overjoyed when an ex-boyfriend made me an origami creation of my favorite childhood cartoon character for Christmas, and even more overjoyed when I ripped it up and threw it in a fire after we broke up.

I'm not saying a good boyfriend has to buy you expensive things; I am saying that if he's willing to spend a small fortune on pot, then you may feel like you are coming in second place to his other girlfriend, Mary Jane.

He may take the gold medal when it comes to hooking up, but you run the risk of taking silver if you are a stoner's girlfriend.


Here are some issues that you may want to consider before getting serious with your stoner:

He Lives In His Own Little World

The truth of the matter is that potheads constantly escape to a different world. It's a damn cool place to visit, but it strays from reality.

I'm not saying I love real life all the time. I wish I lived in a Wes Anderson movie, but you can't permanently reside in your own wonderland. So during the times when you need your guy to be physically, as well as mentally present, it can be an issue.

He Can Be A Liability

We all do things that aren't necessarily legal. I pee in public all the time, and just as I run the risk of being caught squatting with my pants down behind a Taco Bell, he will run the risk of getting in trouble with the fuzz.

If you guys are just hooking up, then you definitely won't have to bail him out, but when it's your boyfriend, you're more inclined to help if he runs into trouble with the law.

Easy solution to this issue: legalize marijuana. Come on, American government, can't you see that making pot illegal is a roadblock for a girl who is trying to get into a serious relationship with a stoner? Help a sister out!

Sobriety Is Not A Bad Thing

Granted, this is coming from a girl who partakes in Mike's Hard Mondays, but it is true that you don't want to constantly be under any influence when in a relationship.

If you love weed as much or even more than your guy does, then you may want to reevaluate if you should be in a relationship together. A stoned movie and Chinese food night sounds like a fabulous ritual to do alone, and it's even better if you have someone special to share it with.

Just be cautious that you don't constantly enable each other. Sobriety is important in relationships because it allows you to display your most authentic self.

Reddit Dating Profile

You'll Find Yourself In Second Place

I like to think of myself as a modern-day woman, so if I ever did go on dates, I would offer to pay for myself… every once in a while. Sure, you'll probably save money on your own personal stash of pot if you date a stoner, but it's really not about money. This is more about the principle of the situation.

Material things do not make a relationship successful. Yes, they are nice, but without sentiment, they are just objects. I was overjoyed when an ex-boyfriend made me an origami creation of my favorite childhood cartoon character for Christmas, and even more overjoyed when I ripped it up and threw it in a fire after we broke up.

I'm not saying a good boyfriend has to buy you expensive things; I am saying that if he's willing to spend a small fortune on pot, then you may feel like you are coming in second place to his other girlfriend, Mary Jane.

He may take the gold medal when it comes to hooking up, but you run the risk of taking silver if you are a stoner's girlfriend.

Just remember, weed is great, but you are much doper. Pun totally intended.

Photo Courtesy: Fanpop

If you are new to dating stoner girls you might feel somewhat intimidated. If you met the girl on stoner girls, it's a good start. But what comes next may be more important. How you handle that first stoner date can make or break your chances at more dates, or even sex.

It's important to mentally prepare and have a plan in place. She wants to know that you can take the lead and make a plan.

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So what are some good stoner first date options?

Stoner Girls Like Guys Who Have a Plan

This doesn't imply that stoner girls are submissive. That's far from the truth. But if you ask her out on Stoner Girls, she is going to expect you have a plan for what to do. It's not too much to ask by any stretch.

So here's a list of stoner girl first date options to consider.

Anything That Allows You To Freely Blaze

This should be obvious, but any date-scenario where you can both freely blaze works best. In some states, the options are better than other states. But really anywhere you live you can make it work.

At worst, keep the date close to your homes so that you can both smoke some weed. Now, if she smokes weed and you don't, it's an easier situation. But if you both smoke weed, you need to examine options that work for you both.

She'll love that you take smoking weed into account for the date.

Imagine if you're first date with a stoner girl has her driving an hour away? She may view you as aloof to her needs. You don't want that to happen.

Just the idea that you're considering her wants and needs is a great start.

A Movie

Movies can seem like lame date ideas. Many people think they are an easy option. That may be true, but let's face it, it's fun to smoke out and go to a movie.

The downsides to movies is that you tend to not talk to your stoner girl date much. This minimizes your time to get to know one another and connect.

But there is an easy solution. Make it an early movie and ask her if she wants to go to a cafe after and talk about the movie.

Nothing like talking about a movie you just watched stoned!

A Cafe

So long as you can smoke at the cafe, or just prior to visiting it, a cafe can be really great. Nothing like a solid cup of coffee while stoned. You'll both enjoy that. Plus, cafes tend to have a good assortment of stoner snacks.

A cafe environment encourages conversation. If you want this date to lead to sex on weed, or just a dating thing, you'll need to both get to know one another in short order.

Just make sure to get comfy seats, like sofa chairs. The more comfortable you both are, the easier it will be to get your conversation going.

A Cool Hike

If you are the outdoorsy type, a fun hike might be in order. And clearly, in many places, smoking weed on a hike is no problem.

Hikes offer amazing scenery and a connection with nature. They also allow for times of less talking to be less awkward.

Hikes give both of you something to do and things to talk about. It alleviates some of the social pressure that a cafe or dinner can expose you both to.

That said, make sure she likes hiking. Don't just plan it and tell her that's the situation.

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Netflix and Blaze

A Netflix and blaze date is more aggressive. Let's be honest, you're inviting her over to chill on your couch with you and smoke weed. It's a recipe for hooking up. The only way this happens on a first date is if you and your stoner girl really connect.

Most likely this will mean a number of phone conversations and Facetimes or Zooms prior to the date.

Stoner Dating App

But if you score a Netflix and blaze date, it certainly implies your stoner girl likes you.

Stoner Dating Reddit Women

The only decision left to make is what you watch. I'd recommend something funny to keep the vibe upbeat. Although, nothing wrong with watching a dark documentary while you smoke weed together. To each their own.

Best Dating Sites For Stoners

A first stoner date can be intimidating. But rest assured, most stoner girls are chill. Don't allow the pressure to rule you. But have a plan. If she doesn't like it, she'll tell you. She will appreciate you taking initiative to plan a fun night for you and for her.

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